Study Reveals Core Cyber-Security Risks for Autonomous Shipping Industry

Researchers identify navigational systems as the most vulnerable to cyber-attacks, highlighting the need for robust security measures to safeguard the future of autonomous maritime operations.

Hasan Mahbub Tusher
Paper to People


Photo by Venti Views on Unsplash

In a world where automation is making its way into every aspect of our lives, the shipping industry is no exception. Autonomous shipping aims to revolutionize the way goods are transported across the seas. However, a new study has uncovered potential cyber-security risks that could put this emerging technology in danger.

What did we find?

Researchers have conducted a comprehensive analysis to identify the most vulnerable systems in autonomous shipping operations. Using advanced techniques, they discovered that navigational systems are the most susceptible to cyber-attacks, followed by shore control centres and shore-based management offices.

The study emphasizes the need for enhanced cyber-security measures, particularly in navigational systems that rely heavily on satellite communication systems and integrated communication infrastructure. These interconnected cyber-physical systems are more prone to contemporary cyber-threats, making it crucial for the industry to invest in robust security solutions.

The researchers also identified operations that are independent in nature, such as berthing and sub-system controls, as the least vulnerable to cyber-threats. These operations do not rely heavily on integrated communication solutions, which could be a point of interest for the development of future autonomous shipping technologies.

Cyber-security risk assessment framework

Who will benefit?

The findings of this study are expected to play a vital role in decision-making processes for shipowners and shipping companies, guiding them in choosing autonomous ship alternatives and taking preventive measures to reduce the risk of vulnerable segments in ship operations.

In order to ensure a safe and secure future for autonomous shipping, the study calls for a multifaceted approach that includes technical guidelines, policy, industrial best practices in risk management, and addressing behavioral and cultural aspects of shipping. As we advance towards a more integrated environment involving humans and machines in complex autonomous shipping operations, further research is needed to explore cyber security control and management strategies to mitigate and reduce the impact of identified threats.

The research outcome not only highlights the potential risks associated with autonomous shipping but also paves the way for further research and development to create a more secure and reliable maritime industry.

(Disclaimer: This is an AI-generated summary of the published research paper)


Tusher, H. M., Munim, Z. H., Notteboom, T. E., Kim, T. E., & Nazir, S. (2022). Cyber security risk assessment in autonomous shipping. Maritime economics & logistics, 24(2), 208–227.

